
What country takes the best care of it's environment, if you'd don't know how would you go about finding out?

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What country takes the best care of it's environment, if you'd don't know how would you go about finding out?




  1. tommy has the right answer

  2. I think it would depend on what part of conservation you are looking at.There are good things going on  in ways places. It seems that being  green is in. Let's all hope that we all do our part.

  3. China

  4. The USA takes better care of its environment.  compared to the socialist and communist, the western democracies are much more responsible.

  5. That would have to be Micronesia, and in particular the island nation of Ponepei.  They have no industry, minor agriculture, no electricity, no cars or planes, their boats are man powered and they only take from the sea what the need to eat each day.

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