
What country would be best to visit where the likelihood of meeting bugs and creepy crawlies is minimised?

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I have an extreme fear of insects … not just spiders … ALL insects or bugs from moths, bees, wasps, daddy longlegs, butterflies to ladybirds. It so extreme that I panic anytime I come into contact … just watching a nature programme on TV which features creepy crawlies makes me uneasy.

I tend not to be an ‘outdoorsy’ type person for this reason and because of my extreme fear I have always avoided going abroad on holiday …. The furthest I’ve ventured is Ireland.

However, my boyfriend really wants me to make an effort and to go on holiday with him somewhere exotic … for a sun/beach holiday!!! (I’ve suggested a city break e.g. Paris, Venice etc. but he is a sun worshipper and really wants to go somewhere exotic).

However, I realise going somewhere hot and exotic means it is likely that I’ll come into contact with cockroaches, mosquitoes, beetles, spiders and other creatures.

What country would be best to visit where the likelihood of meeting bugs and other mini beasts is minimised? …. In your travel experiences which holiday destinations have the least bugs?

(I know it would be sensible to seek professional therapy but I don’t think I’ll have the time to seek such help before my boyfriend wants to leave on holiday).





  1. scotland 1 of the colder countries

  2. Maybe somewhere in the north pole.

  3. Antarctica.  Of course you could always wear a bug spray with DEET that will keep the blighters away from you.  Spray your room with the local fly spray (as this will be tailored to local bugs dislikes) - Raid is excellent.  Do this before you go out at night and then make sure you use plug in mossie killers, keep windows closed and use the air conditioner.

  4. New Zealand!! we have no dangerous animals/creepy crawlies big or small - well white tail spiders and katipo do exist here but i've never seen either!

    our climate is mild so mosquitos not a problem, nor are cockroaches present except for in some of the more humid north island towns

    so the south island of new zealand, specifically, would be a great place for you!

  5. I would find somewhere that has very polluted water and air, so much so that it makes it hard to breathe.  Or find a recent nuclear accident.  Bugs seem to be the first thing that goes when the environment collapses.  They also have yet to find life on Mars so that might be the perfect option but a bit far away for a 2 week holiday.

    If you want clean air, sunshine and clear water (what most people want) you will find that small animals like it also.

    Okay .. serious answer is Southern France, you can spend a couple of days in Paris and then relax on the beach in Nice.  There is a lot of sunshine for him (and topless woman), and there are enough shops, touristy stuff, etc around so you won't be bored.

  6. Go for a beach with a desert behind it and not a jungle. Buy a bed net and a flyswatter and bring them along.

  7. a nice hotel in spain, i have family in spain and in all the times ive been there i think ive only ever seen one small geko and a lot of cats. As long as the hotel is good quality and you dont leave windows open at night you'll be fine

  8. I would suggest one of the Greek Islands to which I have been many times. The only creepies I have seen are tiny lizards which sun themselves on the side of houses or dry rocks. They do have mosquitoes but I have never seen one, only after one has bitten me do I know they are around. You can buy some mozzie repellant for your legs and arms especially when you have an evening meal around dusk. Also, when you leave your accommodation in the evening, don't leave your windows or patio doors open. If you accidentally do, do not turn the light on before you shut them. The important think to tell yourself is there is nothing there that will do you serious harm - the lizards scoot away if they see or hear you coming. I think that minimizes your chances of meeting creepy crawlies. Have a good time.

  9. Australia mostly just have cuddly, fluffy, animals out there.

  10. Antarctica

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