
What country would you go to elude US government harassment?

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What I mean, is that you are getting electronically harassed (electric shocks in the form of popping sounds throughout your house every time you breath unconciously), or get called names in public and stalked. Already tried Jamaica and that continued. It seems that this is direct energy weapons assaults, but where would you go to escape this misery? Should I try countries that are counter to US interests, maybe then these direct energy weapons assaults will stop.




  1. Just a bit farther north than Jamaica-try Cuba. It's refreshingly free of the usual c**p, ie Mcdonalds on every corner, Starbucks etc; no chain stores or fast food joints consuming local shops like a cancer. Cubans are very friendly and outgoing, and in Havana in particular you'll be spoiled for entertainment at night. Free health care, higher education standards than the USA, cheap rum and cigars (Havana Club Anejo 7...ah, I miss you). And I can pretty much guarantee you won't have any US government surveillance/harassment.

  2. Yes, please move to another country that is totally opposite of the USA.  I'll promise not to miss you.

  3. Go off planet.

  4. Go to Zimbabwe. They don't have electricity and a large portion of the population are millionaires.

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