
What country would you like to merge with?

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Since GBR is made up of 4 different countries which has helped them get heaps of medals....which team would you love to merge with..

I'd like to see Australia / Jamaica / Russia - that should cover a gold medal in every single event..hehe




  1. Australia doesn't need to merge with anyone thank you very much we're fine the way we are.

  2. all countries should merge together bc we should get rid of the spirit of competition bc thats what drives the world apart

  3. No thanks, I like my country the way it is.

  4. GBR may technically be made up of 4 countries, but we're still a h**l of a lot smaller than some others. We've got heaps of medals because we're just good. If you were to work it out, the number of medals relative to the population... GBR would be higher on the table than it is now.

  5. You know I wanna merge with Australia.

    Now as far as the Olympics are concerned, I'm not sure.

  6. Are you kidding me?!

    America and China would tooootally rule.

  7. Um. Yeah, but GBR is geologically feasible, unlike your Australia/Jamaica/Russia combination/

  8. Texas should merge with acid and go away

  9. America, but I like Australia by itself.

  10. USA all the way  

  11. None, I love America the way it is.

  12. None actually

  13. If I would like to merge with another country, it would not be because of gold medals.

  14. China + US

    Stop the hate! And we can be strong together! :p

  15. We have already merged countries.  I'm from Texas but we merge with America every 4 years for the Olympics and for the elections.  

    Don't mess with Texas!  Go USA!!!

  16. Merge Australia with other nations. Get out of here. No way.

  17. NZ and Australia if we had to. We already share borders pretty freely but on your point I understand Scotland are soon to vote on leaving ol' Scotland might be our newest nation at the 2012 Olympics. Och ay!

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