
What counts as 'acoustic' music?

by  |  earlier

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Is it just guitar, triangle, harmonica, whatever, or does piano count?

Thank you alllll!




  1. i think anything thats not electric?????

  2. Nothing electric, I would say.

  3. Technically, all music is acoustic, if it has sound.  :)

    But acoustic instruments are those that can generate sound on their own, without the help from electronics.  So that includes acoustic guitar, piano (a real one, not the fake kind), violin, trumpet, drums, etc.

  4. I think it's when none of the instruments is electric. Piano definitely counts.

  5. "Acoustic" simply means that the instrument doesn't have to be plugged into an amplifier to generate sound.  Actually if you think about it, most instruments are 'acoustic'.

    Piano is certainly an acoustic instrument -- along with guitar, banjo, mandolin, members of the violin family, plus wind instruments, brass instruments, woodwinds, and percussion, etc, etc.

  6. Acoustic music is not amplified electronically; it relies on acousitcs for volume -- thus the name!  :)

  7. well. think of rock. ok, that includes electric guitars, drum sets, sometimes keyboards, bass etc

    well. an acoustic version of a rock song would be just the singer, acoustic guitars, maybe hand drums, and piano is fine.

    that is just an example. but ya, so if it isn't like electric as someone said, it is probably acoustic

  8. Any instrument that can produce sound without the use of

    electronic amplification is an acoustic instrument and therefore the musical sound the player brings to it is "acoustic" music.

    By this definition any of the above named instriuments in your

    question are acoustic.

    By the same difinition an "electric guitar" IS NOT an acoustic

    instruments because it need an external source (amplifier operated electronically for the sound to be heard).

    Take notice that both types of acoustic guitars (nylon and steel strings) sometimes are made with a plug for a connection to a speaker/amplifier but that unit only increases

    the projected sound. Those guitar do not need the unit to be heard on their own.

    I hope this will help

  9. its natural music. Basically whenever nothing is hooked up to anything or synthesized.

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