
What counts as a strict muslim?

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If you pray 5 times a day, only eat halal meat and don't drink alcohol, does this count as being a strict muslim? Even if you're happy to be around muslims or non-muslims who are eating non-halal meat and drinking alcohol?




  1. a strict muslim, in my opinion, would be the one who prays and fasts all the required and then some. they wouldnt gamble or drink. they would follow ALL the teachings of the quran and not just the ones that coincide with their own opinions... like caring for the environment, being at peace with everybody, respecting religious differences, giving gratuitously in charity, constant education both theological and secular, fighting against injustice, helping end conflicts etc. unfortunatly, these people are few and far between!

  2. I would hope the strictest Muslim would be the one most serious about living at peace with his neighbors and treating non-Muslims kindly.

  3. The answers is entirely dependent on who is answering.

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