
What counts as local calling?

by  |  earlier

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i have Verizon, i was wondering how far away u can be calling someone, for it to be local and therefore free. so is there a set amount of miles or something?




  1. Any 10 digit number you dial from your phone is a local call.

    When you add 1 before the phone number then it is a long distant call.

  2. They make it up as they go along, I've seen areas where you can call someone as local but by their area it is another company and you aren't local. You are best asking your phone company what the range for local is, and with Verizon the distance should be pretty good.

  3. Check the front pages of your local White Pages phone book.

    The free calling area is usually outlined there.

    Whether Verizon follows that scheme, is another matter...

  4. unless your phone company has strange rules, it is usually any call inside the LATA.

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