
What course should I take in college?

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I'm currently a senior student and the NCAE (National Career Assessment Exam) is tomorrow. I really can't decide on what I'm gonna be or what course I'll take next year.

So far, my interests are writing essays and compositions, blogging on the internet, History, photography, and entrepreneurship (since I've been playing those business video games).

I want those kinds of jobs where I want to make good money and of course the ones I'm really interested in (interests listed above).

Any suggestions? (for now, my take's on Business Management, English Studies and Accountancy)




  1. Try all three plus throw in something new and different, like sociology, poly sci, or philosophy (all leading to law school).  And in response to the first poster, an average accountant makes about 55,000-60,000 unless they own their firm.  An actuary makes about 85,000-100,000 a year, but its a much harder, math based job.

  2. well i think a average accountant makes 100,000 dollars a year but maybe you can major in business or telecommuting executive

  3. I'd stick with Accounting or Business Management if you want to go the business/entrepreneurship route to make money. If you do History or English Studies, which seem to be more of your interest, it would be for your enjoyment, but will not likely make you good money (depending on your definition of "good money"). I went the route of English because despite it not providing "good money," I love my job and have three months off every year to do what I love (read, take photos, travel, etc.) all in the guise of doing 'research.'

  4. the first two years of college you have to take general education courses anyway. this gives you a chance to decide. i personally did not decide my major until the end of sophmore year. it gave me a chance to look back at all the courses i took so far and see what i liked best.

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