
What course shud one opt in newzealand if an undergraduate girl has to go dere?

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the couse shud b short termed nd muz have high scope there so dat one can attain citizenship quickly?




  1. Short termed?

    You're going to need a full time course for a year to fix your spelling, punctuation and gramer.

  2. If one is planning on moving to another country, one which speaks another language, LEARN THE LANGUAGE.  It is a matter of respect and personal responsibility to yourself and the people of the country you are moving to.  Finally, in general, New Zealand will not accept you as an applicant for citizenship without proper language skills (reading, writing, speaking English).

  3. A spelling and Grammar course for starters

  4. I totally agree with Nicola P.  Try a night class in english as that is what we are here in New Zealand - English.  What nationality are you to be spelling like that?

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