
What courses should I be taking to do weather as a career?

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What high school and college course are required? In college,will I have to take courses that won't help me in weather like electives or English? How much is tuition in Florida? Next year will be my last year in high school and I'm already taking Earth/Space science online. Do I need anything else? Would I be able to do anything with weather if I'm not that good in algebra or geometry?




  1. You want to take as much physics and math as possible.  Work very hard at math, and if you still can't handle it you might become a broadcast meteorologist.  You will have to take English no matter what your major is, that is a good thing.

  2. An interest in the physical sciences and mathematics are the essential elements for a career in meteorology. Courses in earth sciences can also provide a valuable insight into the atmospheric environment. It is very important to become familiar with the use of computers and their application to problem-solving, writing and communication. In the simplest of terms, you should take every mathematics, physics and computer course that is available... and also develop basic skills in written and spoken English to communicate scientific knowledge. if your school offer for calculus course.. i suggest you to take it, cause it will really2 helpful..

    and it seems that you've gotta a problem with mathematic or algebra.. i wanna share you my experience here. I'm a graduate student majoring in meteorology and for your information, my educational background before wasn't meteorology but agricultural. So i have to learn all of program that is suggested by my supervisor such as: dynamic meteorology, physical meteorology, general meteorology plus courses in climatology, micro-meteorology, hydro-meteorology and other related disciplines; and i also have to study calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, statistics, computer science and at least one in numerical analysis, matrix algebra or computer systems, ONLY IN 2 YEARS..

    sometimes i feel really exhausted.. and it is really depressed me.. i often have to take a same class with undergraduate student cause students without a previous background in atmospheric sciences have to complete a few more courses at the master's level than their colleagues with an undergraduate degree in meteorology. at first it is really difficult but later i think.. i enjoy it much now, because.. i've been in love with this meteorology stuffs. if you really love meteorology, your passion will get you into wherever you want to go. It works on me.. and hopefully it'll work on you too.

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