
What coverage did you like the best 7 or SBS (Australian only)?

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What coverage did you like the best 7 or SBS (Australian only)?




  1. channel 7 because they covered all the events when aussies were competing, whereas SBS covered completely different countries. I heard in the Sydney morning herald that SBS was a complementary channel of channel 7 and not a competitor of channel 7.

    don't know which city you live in. But yea that's what i heard.

  2. Your Austranilan!!!! I love home and away plz plz plz tell me whats on there at the moment plzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!

  3. I like SBS coz you get to watch the whole game, you get to watch different sports (I love our swimming stars but we don't need to see them  24/7!!), you don't have Bruce or Sandy Roberts (Sandy, please put your arms on the desk when you host. Looks really strange!)

    Showing the Aussie stuff? They didn't even show Craig Mottrams race live! We (Perth) are in the same time zone for goodness sake. I am also pretty sure that the Pole Vault wasn't live either.

    And the ad breaks on Channel 7: How many do we need!! Hope whoever has them next does a bit better job of it.....

  4. I tried my very best to avoid all Olympic related stuff, so I wouldn't know. And having it broadcast on TWO channels as well as the radio is just evil torture.  

  5. Seven just keeps having shockers and I haven't heard one positive thing about their coverage. We can see the Australians in action considering they are played over again in the news so it's good to see S.B.S showing an international event. S.B.S has sports hosts, not T.V personality hosts. How many nights do we have to put up with the most boring games we have seen just because it's Australia playing. channel Seven really lets these opportunities go to waste But once again the best coverage was on radio

  6. Hahaha, I was watching soccer the other day. Channel 7 commentary made me sleep. Compare to SBS who wasn't good but did way better than 7. Seven does have good swimming/athletic commentary though imo.

    Anyway this is last time seven will do Olympic. Channel Nine took over. W00ts, hopefully they do better~

  7. I've only watched Channel 7 for the Aussie content.

    Otherwise, I've watched SBS.

    It's good to hear Channel 7 won't be covering the London Olympics.

    Channel 9 don't have far to go to do a better job.

    Did anyone have the misfortune of seeing Sonia Kruger on Yum Cha in the morning during the first week?

    She was absolutely hopeless.

    I believe she's been sent back home. Hopefully in disgrace.

  8. Channel 7 actually show Aussies, but it is clear they have no idea how to telecast a sporting event.  Ad break in the middle of the game, and leave us to watch the time-outs etc. :s

  9. SBS by a mile. At least most of what they are showing is live. Almost everything on 7 is recorded. SBS are only allowed to show the "leftovers" - whatever 7 doesn't want to show

  10. SBS is always showing handball or hockey every time I turn on the TV and 7 keeps on having ads. To tell you the truth, none of these channels are good.

  11. SBS, 7 screwed it up! they don't have it 4 next olympics! THANK GOD!

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