
What crafts do you find sell best at a craft fair and....?

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when you go to a craft fair in November what are you usually looking for in peticular? I've tried selling shabby chic style items (lampshades, chairs, pillows, etc.) and they just didn't seem popular, but the people around the corner from me were selling lightbulbs turned into santa head ornaments and they seemed to be selling like hot cakes (interesting, huh?)... So what do you look for at craft fairs....Also if you could include websites, I would really appreciate it, thanks!




  1. I have been doing Craft-shows for over 17 years now and I can tell you we ask ourselves that question every year but what here are some tips.

    1. Presentation, display your items so they catch people's eye and make them want to see more of your stuff.

    2. It has to be a bit different, something they can't go down to any store and buy.

    3. Appeal to the younger crowd, adults are so hung up on paying bills and stuff that they don't buy unless it's something for a child or grandchildren or friend.

    4. Price. Keep your prices lower than what you would pay for a similar item in the store and like another lady specified earlier 1.00 to 5.00 items sell the best because they are in that range of impulse buying. Nearly everybody will say"Man that's so cheap I can't afford to pass that up" even if it's something they don't need.

    5. some things that I noticed are big this year are:

      Of course Jewelry, small pillows,clever saying plaques or cute sayings on anything such as pillows, aprons, T-shirts.

    Hope this helps

  2. It seems to me that the ladies who do the crochet topped kitchen towels and matching pot holders do best near Christmas. The ones selling quilted baby blankets and crocheted baby blankets do best in early spring! Quick beaded projects are always a good seller as are quick ceramic doohickies.

    I sell lots of very small amounts of handspun wool yarns, but not a lot of larger items such as woven ponchos, crocheted or knitted shawls or whatever else my mind thinks up.

    There are times when I am thinking of lampshades and chair cushions, but not too often. That shabby chic thing goes with flea markets much better than it does crafts fairs.

  3. I hand bead glassware - specifically stemware.  They aren't real expensive but they aren't cheap either.  You can see them at the

    Of course, I take them to craft shows as well.  But I also make little beaded bugs, like dragonflies and such - and I sell them for a dollar or two apiece.  I also make little elastic beaded bracelets and sell those for a dollar apiece.

    While my glassware is far and beyond my best money maker, the dollar items sell five time more.

    Because they are quick, affordable IMPULSE purchases.  Everyone that goes to a craft show wants to buy something.  Anything to show that their time was worth the trip.  If they can't afford a $30.00 pair of wine glasses, they most always will buy the dollar items.  

    So it's not really the craft is not selling well as much as it is the price for the number of sales you make.    Example:  I sold one set of glasses at $30.00 but I sold five dollar items making $5.00.  So one sale still wins hands down!

    Good luck to you!

  4. Jewelry  ;)))

  5. Candles and 'Country' style home decorations.....thats all i go for!  : )

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