
What crazy things have you got up to when under the affluence of inkerhol Ignore him, he's pi$ed PC officer"

by  |  earlier

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Go on, tell me, and I won't tell anyone else.... honethtlee




  1. LMAO! Could you send me some of this? I like seeing this side of you, Dream-Maker, and you have got me smiling from ear to ear!!! I wish you had a few more answerers, but, please know, this is absolutely HILARIOUS!!!!! I NEVER frown on those who are being happy! It is something we all need more of in this World! Thanks for making my day a bit nicer and happier! Oh, did I ask you to send me some of this? TEE HEE!!  :-)

    Have an ever so happy week-end!!! :-)

  2. I think you must have been on the sauce mate the way you have typed this question up...

    Little early in the day isn't it mate?

    Actually mate i am white British born and bred ;)

    I only use the name "Arabia" to quote my famous name sake after the movie ... About an Officer with the British Army who crosses the Arabian desert.

    "Lawrence of Arabia" < Title of film.

    Look it up on I.M.D.B (Internet Movie Database)  


    I guess i just don't have a sense of humour like yours...

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