
What cream to use on tattoos?

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Iv'e had my (second) tattoo for over 2 weeks and have been using bepanthen, but was wondering if it's ok to use simple moisturisers on it, nothing "fragrant", just a simple nivea cream or something, that would be fine right?? My first tat was fine with hardly any cream or anything and healed really quick, but this one's getting itchy and bumpy




  1. A&D ointment

  2. I've been told by my artist that bepanthen actually fades the tattoo and draws the ink out. Most would advise on non-petroleum and unperfumed lotions so preferably not vaseline or lubriderm (fine to use on the day that you got the tatt but not as an aftercare option).

    Simple creams are fine especially Vitamin E or sorbolene. I personally find creams heavy so a light coating of Vit E gel works well. Especially when it gets itchy. In the end whatever works for you. If your first one healed fine then I suggest you do the same thing.

    No matter what you use the trick to prevent fading is to apply sparingly over the tattoo and not to put too much that you practically soak the tatt! A light coating is enough 2-3 times a day.

    Good luck.

  3. Lubriderm works really well. Just enough to keep it from drying out, though.  

  4. do not need it simple Vaseline is good

  5. Vaseline is easily the best-or, funnily enough, haemorrhoid cream!!!  

  6. Vaseline is a common one people suggest but DO NOT use vaseline as it can throw out the ink depending on your skin and i don't think its worth the risk. my mum used vaseline for her first few and had to have them all re-done however when she used the proper tattooists cream she didn't have any problems.  

  7. Lubriderm has healing qualities, and is used in hospitals.

    Cocoa butter

    Most any lotions that are unscented, no fragrances, and no petroleum ingredients.

    No ointments (like A & D) after 3 days (this is 'old school', and there are reasons for this adjustment in thinking, although it is possible to do o.k. with it, it is better not to, to be safe and for the best quality tattoo.)

    Light coat of Lubriderm after washing, and if it is dry. Don't smoother it, and then leave it alone and out of the sun and water.

  8. ive used bepanthen before, its ok. for the first 3-4 days use a burn type cream, homeoplasmine is the best ive used so far, you can get it from most tattooists. tattoo goo is also win win. and after that use e45, its often recommended by different artists. you can get a itch relief e45 too if it gets too itchy(DO NOT SCRATCH) dont use much as too much moisture can do damage. stay clear of vaseline and salvon, they are not good for it! and as soon as its healed try to still moisturise it once a day and use suncream if youre going out(sun is bad bad bad) good luck :)

  9. i ahve had 3 tatoos and used bepanthen on all of them and it had amuch better long lasting effect. i say dont switch to nighting different keep to using that.

  10. ask your tattoo artist,he should have gone over aftercare with you anyway.

  11. Aveeno-the plain stuff, nothing fancy.

  12. The best advise is to see your tattoo artist never listen to anyone but them about your tattoos or body piercings do not call them simply go in and see them trust me you will have a better over all result for the healing of your tattoo and your not having a reaction to the ink if you were it would be alot worse than bumps odds is you and bepanthen are not getting along GO SEE YOUR ARTIST

  13. If its bothering you try Benadryl cream. Maybe a chapstick balm only for the tattoo. Get the non flavored one. I think its packaged in black.

  14. if it's  2 wks old and itchy and bumpy you might be having an allergic reaction to the ink, or some of the ink.

    try putting anti bac oint on btwn lotion applications.

    you can use any unscented lotion, the more moisturizers the better.

    do not use vaseline products- they draw the ink out.

    some places heal differently than others. you are doing okay so far.

    just keep up with the after care and your tattoo will be fine as soon as it's done healing

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