
What created everything

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i changed my mind im not atheist. im agnostic. when the big bang happened what created that? did god if so what created god? it seems as though at some point something must have come from nothing. but how is that possible.




  1. read the kumulipo.

    or listen to bob.


  2. Don't question, dude.

    Just believe.


  3. i know this mught not anser your question but we live in a worl were we have intellgeny life and that everytthing comes from one thing or another but we are to simple minded to know this we loive in one world out of how many planets out of how many unvierses out of how many everthing you know so just one planet and one human named jesus said god did this dotn belve it its nice to but think about it were just one little planet you realy thiunk were right its to complicated dont thiink about it it will put you in to a bad state of mind so yeha i have been through this good luck man

  4. I think everything came from nothing and nothing came from everything.

  5. What do you think created everything.  Your answer is as respectable as anyones on that matter.  We have hard physical evidence of life coming out of chaos but we cant say really how that chaos got there in the first place except to generalize that perhaps there was a personality behind it all or not.  It is as logical that there was a personality and it is as logical to understand that perhaps there wasn't.  One thing is for sure.  Give that personality a name or not give it a name, we will still argue the fact untill we have proof of otherwise.

  6. GOD!










  8. It depends really on what you believe in.

    Basically I think it's a never ending chain, though I'm not entirley sure if God really had anything to do with it as I don't know if I believe. But if there can be such things as infinitey, with space infinatley getting bigger and black holes having an infinite amount of gravity whose to say that there isn't an infinite amount of things that happened in the past? Maybe the past is growing...

  9. Good question.

    I wanna know the samething.

  10. no one created anything because only something that can be destroyed can be created. Since the universe is going in cycle there is no beginning or ending. you are looking at a circle and ask where does this circle begins and end? most of the stuff around us also works like that.

  11. Your mom - think about it.

  12. No one knows.  And chances are, no one will ever know.  It's all a huge mystery.  Some say God, but where did God come from?  Some say it started with an atom (or whatever it is), but where did that atom come from?  It will probably always remain unanswered.

  13. I believe God created Himself. And he created the universe. but when He created it, He made it impossible for us to truly know. Our minds can't handle it. Because if we were able to handle it, we'd have too much power in our hands to create whatever we want and destroy whatever we want. God's in control, and it's his work of making us not be able to know how things began, and how theyll end. You have to have faith. God can do anything, right? He's blocked our minds to knowing how the universe came about until the time is right.

  14. The point of being an Agnostic is knowing that you can't know.

  15. I think you just wanna see the answer that, not God who created everything. So, why you asked if you just wanna see many person whose though same with you... Answer your question, I believe that God created everything. But I don't know how and why... That's a huge mystery like the other said.

    This is my opinion...honest.

  16. You won't find the answer here to a question that's been asked by millions since time began, and long before Yahoo Answers.

    Only those that believe in God think they know. Maybe they are lucky they don't have to worry about it like the rest of us!

  17. According to the uncertainty principle and vacuum energy you can get something out of nothing.

    "..the idea of a First Cause sounds somewhat fishy in light of the modern theory of quantum mechanics. According to the most commonly accepted interpretation of quantum mechanics, individual subatomic particles can behave in unpredictable ways and there are numerous random, uncaused events." (Richard Morris, The Edges of Science, 1997, 19)

    There's M-theory which says our universe is the result of two parallel branes colliding in an 11 dimensional space.

    There's also several cyclic models of the universe in which every big bang comes about from the death of a previous universe.

  18. We're talking about God here...anything is possible.  

  19. "God"  was everything that is, was, and ever will be in a single point.  Then "God" decided to Create, so "God" exploded outward, creating time and space.  So you could say that we are all part of "God".

  20. how about this one. God started the Big Bang. God is nature and therefore works through it. both of the theories can exist together if you think about it. the best way i can explain God is that he is energy. he is everywhere and cannot be created or destroyed.  

  21. Our imagination.

  22. yes

  23. Nothing. Without time there is no way for cause-and-effect relations to occur, so the idea of a beginning loses meaning. And since actual creation does not occur, the idea of a Creator likewise loses meaning.

    When the universe began to expand from that tiny little point, it was the biggest "S**t Happens"   event of all time.

  24. I created it all.  Me, the Almighty Squirrel Marty Hornswoggle.

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