
What created one-single celled organisms??

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Muahahahaha...... God did. Only he could.




  1. God

  2. Yeah, you are right, if there was a being that lives forever and is all knowing and can manipulate matter in any way it wants then it would be able to create single celled organisms.  However, making up a supernatural being to do everything is lame.  God has only fit into being responsible for events that are not completely scientifically explainable, so give humans time someone will figure out a better answer.  Evolution from molecules to genetic material is a little harder to work on than from genetic material to different genetic material.

  3. Correct. But not your god.

    My God did it: the "Flying Spaghetti Monster"

    Either Him... or Zeus.

  4. god did is what i say. but scientist say a combantion of compounds made them.

  5. This is a loaded question. As soon as you use the word "created", you are implying "intelligent design", which means that any explanation of the origin of single-celled organisms which is inconsistent with intelligent design is not actually an answer to your question.

    The first organic molecules such as simple sugars can be randomly formed by the reaction of simple building blocks such as HCN, NH3, CH4, and H2O. The first replicating molecules were probably predecessors of RNA, which can replicate itself in the proper environment. Cell membranes are only bilayers, and are formed quite naturally from molecules which possess both a hydrophobic and hydrophilic part. By chance, the first cells, which were nothing more than a soup of replicating molecules inside a bilayer, were formed - and so on. We don't know all the details left.

  6. One theory is that a comet passed by the Earth and dropped the right combination of elements and particles and just by chance and because the Earth just happened to be set up right for life, primitive organisms developed and evolved from there.

    Creation theories are nice and cute and everything, but they are just a result of people who lived very long ago and did not and could not understand scientific facts that we now know. Religious theories have no factual evidence, whereas scientific theories do.

  7. The Creator used a combination of compounds to make that single cell. The Creator "God" then evolved that single cell into what we have today.  Honor our Lord Jesus Christ who was, is and will be forevermore. Amen.

  8. The Almighty and the Most Powerful of all, God

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