
What creation story do creationists cite?

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If it is taught, which story should be taught, to be fair?

Here's 20 -

Or is it just generally some sort of generic supernatural intelligence?

Why would you teach anything supernatural in a natural school course? Why not just make a separate course called religious studies and teach that in there? Make it elective...

Whatever, even when I was religious I disagreed with teaching that in school.




  1. I too went to Catholic school and always felt numb to their theology. Just seemed too out there, even as an 8 year old. I agree with you- it should be a choice. You can be taught the theological version of science or the factual version of science. Its America, give the choice.

    Here is my take on the creation of the Universe:

    To those of you who actually believe Creationism..

    Youre telling me that its so hard to believe that millions of years ago a collision in the universe yielded planets and stars, and the earth aligned just right so that ice melted and life formed from the water. And instead of that being possible you instead kill/judge/harm/insult people for NOT believing that some wo/man in the sky went BAM! for 7 days and up sprouted homosapiens, animals, flora and fauna?

    It's not like theres not proof of this in the formation of rock, fossils, the discovery of artifacts and space rock on earth...or is there?

    What a disrespect to the awesome wonder that is nature. The things around us did not suddenly appear.

    My belief on the creation story, and the bible for that matter, is that it is a collection of stories created in a much, much simpler time to give comfort and answers to unsolvable-at-the-time complex questions to simple minds.

    Whats sad is that there are hundreds of thousands of children in America and much more worldwide being taught hate for people who dont believe in God or Allah or creation, etc. What a sad waste of life and brain power. To kill, judge, etc. over a figment, over a makes no sense to me whatsoever.

    Spread love and understanding. Spread acceptance not hate. Spread respect not prejudice. The World is too good of a place not to.

  2. Teach them all!  Heck, make some up!

  3. If you go to the link Mr. Malone provided, you will see that some people believe because something happened that they cannot understand, they attribute it to a magical creature.  They will also use small bits of science taken out of context, like Darwin's comment on the eye, to back up their conviction that there is no logic to the evolution of species on this planet.  I would assume he believes in the Abrahamic God, although none of his rant offers any support for the type of god you should believe in.  Most people who want it taught in schools are blissfully unaware that there are other creation theories, and would simply discount them offhand if they heard about them.  But they want it taught in regular courses, because they feel threatened by any science that conflicts with their beliefs.  

    EDIT:  Whoa!  He took his answer out.  I'll have to find it myself.  Darn, can't do it.  I can't remember his exact question and I don't have time to search through all 100,000 plus questions about atheists.  Oh, well.....

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