
What credentials are needed to teach English at the high school level?

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Would like to get a degree in English or English Literature and I'm considering teaching as a "fall-back" career. Any teachers out there?




  1. Do a search for "YOURSTATE" department of education.  On that page it will have links for certification requirements.

  2. Programs leading to certification as an English teacher require, in addition to the standard literary surveys and period courses, instruction in the following:

    ~young adult literature

    ~history of the English language

    ~the teaching of writing

    Taking "all the literature, drama, writing, media and communications courses you can" (aka the shotgun approach) isn't helpful because your degree needs to be geared towards "English as a teaching career", not just "English as a course of study."  So be precise about *which* courses you take.  Good luck.

  3. Depending on where you want to teach, you will need a BA in English, and some courses in linguistics won't hurt. Then you'll have to do teacher training courses. You can combine the two with a BEd in the teaching of high school English. Take all the literature, drama, writing, media and communications courses you can in your 4--year programme.

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