
What crime do you think should not be classified a crime?

by  |  earlier

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writing a paper for college and would like educated answers please...

Crimes such as suicide, vagrancy , etc...I need to come up with a good idea to write about...





  1. probably prostitution... not that I think that its ok or anything... but it would probably be better for everyone if it were regulated. (for public health reasons)

    And..... ugly guys have to have somewhere to go, rofl.

  2. Possession of small amounts of illegal drugs.

  3. Well, vagrancy went out long ago. As did plain loitering. Suicide is not a crime, because the culprit really has a hard time assisting his attorney at the trial, refuses to enter a plea, and the only good thing is that there are no repeat offenders.

    Look for things you think should be either addressed purely with treatment or rehab and things you think should have civil remedies, rather than criminal

    You're welcome to use my favorite crime:

    Texas Parks & Wildlife Code § 63.103.  SALE OF CERTAIN LIVE ANIMALS.  (a)  No person may sell or possess for the purpose of sale in this state a living armadillo.

  4. nothing should be considered a crime. we are going to be punished after we die. If you go there then suicide should not be considered a crime. it's one decision to die, it's your life not anyone else.

  5. all drug or other crimes which all parties are consensual participants in the act.  

  6. suicide


    smoking pot

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