
What criminal act did I get suspended from school for

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What crime did I get suspended from school for? hears what I did during snack recess (a break where people can eat their snack) I was wondering around then I saw coconut macaroons on a bench I went to the bench ate all the macaroons then I told my PE teacher what I did then she asked me "was that yours" then she told my classroom teacher then my classroom teacher told the principal then I got sent to the office then the staff found out the coconut macaroons belonged to a boy named Kevin then after that the principal suspended me from school for one day but for what?




  1. Sounds like you were suspended for being inconsiderate.  Is being inconsiderate a suspendible offense?  I don't know...but I do know being self absorbed and playing "innocent" is a common trend among children and young adults.  Its hard to find anyone between the ages of 16 and 25 that can see beyond their own noses.  So, my advice to you would be, grow up.  Be different from the masses.

  2. Stealing?

  3. Theft. The taking of an item that is not yours.

  4. Theft. You took something that is not yours without permission. It is not finders keepers.

  5. Petty theft . You thief

  6. For taking and eating Kevin's food without asking permission, which leads to stealing food

  7. What you did was called stealing. It did not matter that were sitting on he table an no one was around. They were not yours to begin with.  

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