
What crosses your mind when...

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you hear the word funny?

And can you say something funny please? I feel like laughing right now.




  1. Sure...

  2. Something funny, huh?  How about last week when I was shopping, and I was headed back to my car when i saw someone backing out next to me, and scratched the whole side of my car, got out, looke around, andthen started to take off.  I yelled like a banshee at him, and either he didnt hear me or he pretended not to hear me, but since he was driving up one of hte parking aisle, i ran between the cars and stopped rioght in front of him,  making slam on his brakes.  He had the nerve to start hitting the horn, and trying to go around, but I sttod my ground and made him b\get out of his car.  He then started yelling and swaeing at me, and abouot that thime the mall police got there, and I told them what he did to my car, and the joker had the nerve to call me a liar.  I was about 1 step from cold crocking the jerk when i pointe out the bbbbiiiiigggg scrat on his car that had my color paint on it, and took one of hte mall cops to my car to show him HIS color on MY car (and it wasn't even a reeses commercial)..  I started to try to be calm, but with my firecracker mode starting up, i started yelling at he cop and to do somethin about he guy and the other dirver's parentage and heritage, when the cop wioth me tried to calm me down and told me to stop acting like a baby,jsut about he time he started to pat me on the bottom.  The look in his eyes was about enough to make me start laughing  so hard that I almost wet myself.  Well, actually I did.  Since I was born i have never had amny bladder control, so wearing diapers for me is like someone else wearing underwear, and i dont tTHINK about it, but when that cop patted my ppadded butt, as he said "baby", he got he shock of his life!!   (btw, the other driver got cited for a hit and run, non-lice4nsed driver, and a few other charges.  Oh but the look on the cops face!!  That one still has me laughing

  3. t******e. its like...why dont you just say p***s..right?

    okay that was really stupid.


  4. When I hear the word funny I think of Laugh.  

  5. ok so there r three kids named manners,p**p,and shut up ok the a police polls over shut up and says wat is ur name and he says shut up then police says excuse me?then he says shut up then police says son where is ur manners?the shut up says 3 miles away picking up p**p lol

  6. really to tell the truth

    me and my 3 best friends' hobby is laughing lol

    so we could probaly find a way to laugh at the word "laugh" or "chair"...

    and i'm blond and very intelligent

    i'm kinda tired of the stereotype..

  7. My best friend...We had some pretty funny times together. Once, we went to her house to get popsicles and we had my god brother who was probably 22 or 23 months at the time with us. She ran to her room to put something away. While me and him stood in the living room. Her mom was talking to him and he wasn't paying like any attention and he ran after her while she was coming back from her room and he did not want to leave! We sat in her room eating popsicles talking while he played with her little sister's Dora house thing. He didn't even want to finish his popsicle. We sat him on her bed(Her and her sister have a bunk bed and she has the top bunk) and he spotted this ball so he started crying for it. So we gave it to him. And he kept throwing it off her bed. She had a glass of apple juice on her dresser and her dresser is in front of her bed (kind of) and he threw it and knocked over the juice. He also hit her mom in the head(Good thing she's nice!) and he knocked over these things on their TV. It took us about 20 minutes to get him back outside..It was hilarious to us..Maybe to only us. I guess its one of those you just have to be there things.

    I also have 3 jokes(I have all the time in the world).

    There's three guys. God comes and tells them that if they climb on a roof, they run and jump off of it and shout out what they want to be, they'll be come that. The first guy goes. He's running and running and running. He jumps and shouts "Bird!" He becomes a bird and flys off. The second guy goes. He's running and running and running. He jumps and shouts "Car!" and he turns into a car and hits the ground and drives off. The last guy goes. He's running and running and running. He trips and says "Sh*t!" So he turns into a pile of sh*t.

    Three different guys now..The devil comes and tells them that they're all going to die. They don't want to die. So the devil says one of you are going to get to live. He tells them to each pick 10 fruits..Any kind. First guy comes back with 10 bananas. The devil tells him to stick them up his butt with out saying a word. He gets 6 up his butt until he says ow. He's gone. The next guy comes with 10 mangoes. He tells him the same thing. He gets 9 up his butt until he starts laughing. The devil wants to know why he's laughing. And he says 'Look!" and points to the 3rd guy walking. He has 10 watermelons in his arms. It may take sometime to get it though

    Same three guys are stuck in the desert on a broken down bus. They're allowed to take one thing each. The first guy has a canteen of water and he leaves. The second guy takes a towel. The third guy says "Why are you taking that?" and he says "So I can wipe my sweat off and drink it when I get thirsty" and the third guy says "Oh! You're very smart!" and the second guy leaves. The third guy is left on the bus. He breaks the door off and shouts "Wait for me!" and they wait for him. They ask him "Why'd you bring the door?" and he says "So when I get hot I can roll down my window" Corny. But its always funny to me and my friends.

    EDIT: Also, the word wenis comes to mind when someone says the word funny. That has some explaining to do. I was outside today with my friend and her little sister. We were talking about something. And her little sister said something about kicking some guy in the wenis. It was so funny at the time. I forgot what we were talking about that made her say wenis.

  8. Joke.

    One day a blond was driving down the road. First everything was good, then she went from the right lane to the left, then back to the right, then back to the left, the back to the right, then back to the left. Then, she was pulled over by a cop. The cop said "Mam, do you know you were swaying?" The blond said "Yes I do." Then the cop asked why. The blond said because there was a tree in every lane she went in. The cop said, "Mam that's your air freshener."


  9. i like taking a word.. any word like ..penguin.. and try rhyming it with other words... like change the p to an a.. anguin and then benguin...

    somtimes it gets kinda funny..

    like... try this one


    then replace it with an A ..then a B... ...skip C.. that would be bad...

    so on ans so forth... =]

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