
What cruise line would be best for a g*y masc couple looking to have a relaxing, fun time without problems?

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I am trying to book a cruise for my significant other and I, but we aren't usually into the typical "g*y" scene. We are hesitant on going on an all g*y cruise, so I am trying to figure out what other cruise lines would be best without having to worry about being harrassed or getting looks because we are g*y. We do not kiss or do anything else in public so I do not see an issue, but it would be nice to know an opinion on what cruise lines are more accepting.




  1. Try Holland America.  It is an older crowd.  Really good service and great food.  For a few extra bucks you can dine in the "Pinnacle Grill" which offers the best food anywhere and you don't have to share a table with a bunch of other couples.  My wife and I don't like sitting in the dining room with a bunch of strangers at the table, so we usually get room service for dinner.  Holland America offers the full dinner menu as room service so you don't miss out on anything by doing it that way and there is no extra charge.  I think people are pretty accepting these days; no one appreciates demonstrative behavior-g*y or otherwise.  A lot of women I know would rather share a conversation with a g*y guy than with a straight guy.

  2. ummm, go on a g*y cruise and then u could jest close ur eyes, ud be at the top of the hill, unlike a regular cruise, no offense but ud be at the bottom

  3. I have been on many cruises on several cruise lines and have seen men and women traveling together who some would wonder if they were a couple.  But I have never seen anyone get rude with these people or treat them anything other than the way everyone else is treated.  So just select a  good cruise line like Norwegian, Princess, Celebrity, or Royal, Caribbean.  You will be just fine.

  4. Hey J Mar.  My suggestion would be Royal Caribbean.  On my last cruise we met up with a couple and they were the funnest two guys ever.  And I do know that the crew on Royal Caribbean is awesome and made them feel like they were no different, and why did they do this because there is no difference.  WE are all people and should be able to have the same kind of fun without feeling left out.  I know they were treated very kindly got their pictures taken together on formal night and what not.  Just normal people.  I would even wager that some of the crew would be same s*x oriented!  Which ever cruise line you choose I hope you have a great time and just have fun with the one you love, there is something truly romantic and enticing about a cruise.  Bon Voyage!

  5. My partner and I have been on Royal Caribbean and Princess (Tahitian Princess).  We were treated wonderfully by both the crew and other passengers and always met other g*y couples on every cruise.  On the Royal Caribbean ship (Rhapsody of the Seas), we met several crew members who were "family" and treated us very well - bottles of wine and champagne sent to our cabin.  Seating in the dining room is a 'c**p shoot'.  We only had one bad experience where we were with a table of folks who were travelling together and a couple of the older men were a bit homophobic - but their wives weren't.  The head waiter had no problem moving us to another table, which ended up being fine.  One of the best places to do research is on  Click on 'Boards' near the top and just start researching.  People start threads for a particular cruise they are going on and you can get some great information.  If you scroll down the page a bit, there is a section called 'Special Interest Cruising' with a 'g*y & L*****n Cruisers' section.  We love going on cruises and are hesitant about going on an all-g*y cruise like RSVP.  Although we have friends who have gone on several and love it.  We also try to get a balcony cabin at the back of the ship.  The balconies are usually deeper and the views are much better because you can see all around.  Happy cruising!

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