
What currency is used in Madrid, Spain? As a traveler from the US where is it best to convert currency?

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And, how must cash should be converted?




  1. Spain is part of the European Union so they are using the Euro, it'll cost you around 1.57 dollars for 1 euro.

  2. The euro, you mights wanna learn a bit more before you come over but change large quantities because the euro is very strong at the moment.

  3. Euros...

    It used to be pesetas.

    I always think that pesetas sounds so much prettier....

  4. They use Euros. Best use your credit card for shopping, hotels, etc. If you want euros, you can get them anywhere, at the US or in Spain, it's all the same. $ is really down, now, only 0.65 euros per $. Tough. =(

  5. Spain use euros, you might get a better exchange rate when you   get there.

  6. The Euro is used in Spain and many European countries.  I'd go directly to several large banks and compare their rates.  You could also cash some at your own bank before leaving.  Be careful of extra charges on your cash/credit card for taking out cash abroad.

  7. try to read some books frequently...

    Spain is in Europe and so we have Euro since year 2000...

    Euro is used in all over Spain of course... it is the same country....

  8. The currency of Madrid, is the same currency as the rest of Spain.  (currencies are generally decided by countries, not cities, these days.  Like for the last 400 years or so.)  And the same as most of the rest of Europe.  It's the Euro.  It costs about 1.50US for 1 €. and no.  you should not exchange your money now.  You will get the best rate if you use your credit/debit cards.  Call and check first, you should only pay between 1 - 3% for the transaction fee, use the one that gets you the lowest.  If you have a 1% card, use it most.  

    ATM cards work (PLUS and CIRRUS were available everywhere), if they have 4 digit pins.  and they, too, should get you the best rates and transaction fees.  You often have to pay a per use charge for ATMs that don't belong to your bank, so you should know how much that is, and get fairly large amounts of money, rather than going back several times.

    You won't need a whole lot of cash, credit cards will cover pretty much everything, except for bus and cab fares, and flea market purchases.  You don't really want to use your card for a cup of coffee, obviously, so, some cash is a good thing.

    Always convert at banks.

    you probably want around 100€ plus or minus, just to have enough to get from the airport to your lodging.

  9. In Spain they use euros, you can get an exchang at your local bank or airport.

  10. its euro. and euro costs a lot more expensive than US dollar so you should convert your money with a lot of capital.

  11. I have to say euros but it was much better and a lot cheaper for travellers when it was the pesato ,speaking as a British person and not as european person .

  12. They are on the Euro  - I recommend  you use ATM's -- this way you don't have to bring a lot of dollars into Spain and you will get the best rate. They have ATM's everywhere and will accept most cards from the US.  The ATM charge is nothing compared to what you will save on rates.

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