
What damage can Littering do to rivers and bays?

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  1. Litters like unfinished food or spoiled food will contaminate the water and pollute it thereby killing the fishes as well as causing air pollution to the surroundings. This is further aggravated when rubbish like disposed carton box, plastic containers or wooden box, etc block the outflow to the sea from the bays or rivers, causing chokage and killing the seafood on the river banks as well as the trees and plants.

  2. littering can affect you and others! you know the 6 packs of soda? well the little plastic parts[used to hold the cans together] can trap fish and birds eventualy killing them. cans and other debris can affect the movement of the river, maby to clog it one day. so its a good thing if you pick up your garbage when fishing or just chillin at the river or bay.

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