
What dangers are their to being an army diver?

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i am currently trying to decide on an MOS when i join the army and i would like to know what dangers are their to be aware of should i choose to be a diver as my MOS.




  1. Roadside bombs, IEDs, Ambushes

  2. The biggest danger for any diver, is the Bends.

    It is where you come up to fast and the nitrogen in your blood stream does not have time to equalize to the decreasing pressure.

    Think of it this way, for every 33 feet in depth you dive, you add one atmosphere of pressure.

    So a balloon, half filled with air at 33 feet, would be full by the time it reached the surface, as the air expands.

    A balloon half filled at 66 feet, would burst before it reached the surface.

    Now think of nitrogen bubbles in your veins expanding.

    Long time divers, especially deep divers, can have life long problems with thier joints.

  3. At one time I was interested in being an Army Diver, so I know a thing or two about the MOS. First off you would be required to do construction and demolition, the latter being very dangerous, construction being some what of a sitting duck job. Being a diver in general requires that you be very cautious of emerging and submerging because going either way too fast means death. Also patrolling is required by divers. I read an article wear it said when the army needs infantry from the air they have airborne, when they need forces on the ground they got rangers and infantry, and when they need forces in the water they got Army divers. Expect to do some riverine force type stuff.One source I came upon said Divers do special ops type missions sometimes. Like in those watercraft. Although you likely will be in the water more than a watercraft operator. I also think they do Airborne like jumps in the air except they are expected to land in the water instead ( don't hold me to that however).

    Besides all the dangers however, the training is rigorous and the Army will prepare you for all that. Just be warned the whole 'diver' title doesn't really encompass all the duties held by the Army Divers.

  4. IED's..

  5. To add a correction to someone's prior answer:

    Army Divers do NOT do Special Operations missions. There is a completely different dive school for this qualification and involves a completely different MOS.

    Army Divers are more like commercial divers. They are not combat divers.  

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