
What dangers does the population explosion entail?

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We hear an awful lot about global warming and environmental issues generally but what dangers does the population explosion entail?




  1. Population explosion is the real threat to humanity and many other species and ecosystems.  Humans need space to build homes - so they pave over natural ecosystems.  They need food - so they plow under natural ecosystems.  They need to dump waste - so they pollute natural ecosystems.

    Didn't we learn anything from what happened on Easter Island?

    The Earth is a closed, limited environment just like Easter Island.  More people means more environmental destruction.  There is nothing we can do about global climate change, that is natural and this current warming spell has been going on for the past 18,000 years (with a few bumps along the way).  But we CAN do something about the impact of human population on the systems of life on this planet - by limiting the human population.

    We are sensible enough to manage wild herds of deer to prevent them from destroying their own environments.  Yet, we can't be sensible enough to do the same with humans, who are far more destructive per capita than deer?

  2. Eventually we'll be so crowded that someone will have to pick up a foot in order to plant a bean.  Then he'll have to be the stalk that supports it.  I actually don't think that will ever happen; we'll starve en masse before that.

  3. I find it highly amusing that this government are taxing us to the hilt in the guise of "saving the planet" then allow hundreds of thousands of eastern europeans to swamp us. One of the arguments used in it's favour is that our population was dwindling! It is a fact that this group have much larger families than the indigenous population. You cannot have it both ways. Global warming is a contentious issue, one which I do not believe in, it is yet another way for those who govern us to control us. Why else would they behave in such a hypocritical manner? More people, more destruction? Or, more people more income from taxes, which matters most? Doesn't take the brain of Britain to work this one out. On a global scale population growth will always fluctuate, as poorer countries prosper, their birth rates will fall, in wealthier countries whilst their morbidity rates may drop, mortality rates remain relatively unchanged.

  4. I personally believe that over population is at the heart of many of the environmental issues. It is one of the major problems of our time but it doesn't get much press.

    Basically we're going to eventually have a hard time comming up with the resources to support people. Disease, famine, arguments over control of resources.

  5. Billions of starving people, wars over food but  more nasty wars over drinking  water, desperate people leaving places like Africa on rafts to get to richer areas. If you ever smell a really overpopulated area as I have  it would leave you wanting to have a small population living in clean healthy conditions.

    The planet's population is already 3 times  bigger than it can sustain in decent conditions

  6. We will have worldwide, devastating famine.  Already the rush to biofuels is causing suffering and food riots all over the world as it raises the price of food out of the pockets of millions.  

    It is not just population that is the problem.  America has only 6% of the world's population, but uses 25% of the world's oil.  It is not just the numbers of people, but how efficiently they use their resources.  The carbon footprint of the poor is much less than the rich.  All of the wealthiest people in the world are American, and they hold 59% of the world's wealth.  

    Peak Oil is already making itself felt, with supplies already contracting.  For every calorie of food we eat, 10 calories of fossil fuel energy was used to grow it, fertilise it, make pesticides to use on it and transport it.  Before we started using fossil fuel fertilisers, the world population was a stable 2 billion.  The use of these fertilisers fuelled a population boom to the heady hieghts of 6.5 billion we have today.

    Without oil, these levels of population are unsustainable.

    Go to change/biofuel-the-other-global-crisis-r...

    and get a clearer view of what is going on.  Start your plans to store food now, while the prices are still reasonable.

  7. It will bring much suffering and destruction to the planet I just wish that governments and multy baby breeders would see it because their offspring sure will

  8. A perfect example is China and it's over population.  China has a strict birth allowance for couples, due to the over population of it's country.

    1)  Over population in areas causes urban sprawl.  More formally agrarian areas, used for farming and the growth of lumber for building are decreasing.  Causing an increase in the cost of both.

    2) Pollution and land fills:  overpopulation causes greater strain on land fills, air pollution, and carbon monoxide.  A child uses thousands of disposable diapers before potty training.  All dumped in land fills or land dumps.  Once potty trained there is the human waste to consider, not only that we produce, but the water used to wash it away, to clean our selves and our living spaces.

    3) Economic strain on governments:  When too many people need work to provide the basics, then the race to find a job, begins.  Those with little skills or education are usually at the bottom of the food chain, while those with skills and educations are ever seeking....more, more, more.

    4) Strains on medical care and education:  both systems are strained in many cities, towns and counties across America.  The number of children needing medical care and insurance, climbs daily due to cost.  

    Makes you think:  Maybe less is better.

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