
What date did they stop using spurs in horse racing?

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What date did they stop using spurs in horse racing?




  1. Being a Jock myself,I use spurs all the time,27 years of it,I even put them on 2 year olds,thats why I get winners.Spurs don't hurt them, it just gives them a tickle.

  2. just after they beat the drop?

  3. Although not used widespread, spurs maybe used very occassionally on very lazy or difficult racehorses.  They have to fall within the guidelines and general standards for spurs i.e be blunt ended.

  4. I wasn't aware that they had stopped using spurs- there are references to the use of spurs in virtually everything about racing that I have ever read. I think the spur type and length are regulated, though I don't know the exact rules.

  5. I don't know the exact date, but jockeys stopped riding with spurs when they went to the full-forward, short stirrup seat.  Tod Sloan, who was active in the 1890's, is credited with this innovation, but there may have been other riders who preceded him but just didn't get any attention because they weren't any good.  Anyhow, Tod Sloan took up the forward seat in the early 1890's, and other riders trying to emulate his success took it up in their turn.  For a time there must have been races where some riders rode with long stirrups, and some rode with short stirrups.  By the early 1900's, virtually all riders had taken up the full forward seat and that made spurs useless.

    A jockey who rode with spurs using the full forward seat would be stabbing himself in the tush, which makes an interesting picture. ;-))

  6. i donno when.....But horse racing is ABUSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! you know why its the sport of kings??????????????

    Because kings were mean. most of 'em.

    but still think about it. I know an ex-racemare. Shes ear-shy and has a big scar from when the didnt sew it up right. it didnt heal. people need to relize. IM me if you want to join the fight to STOP HORSE RACING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  7. dunno

  8. Spurs are still used although not very often , but  there are guidelines governing types of spurs allowed,such as  length, end of spur has to be blunt etc.

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