
What dates are a Leo?

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People say it's July 24-August 23.

I think it's July 23-August 22.

My birthday is July 23....I'm a Leo, right?




  1. u can look it up

  2. It can depend on the year, so you would have to add what year you were born as well to check for sure. IF you put it here and also add your exact birth time and the city you were born in I'll look up your birth chart and tell you not only your Sun sign, but your Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, and Rising signs are. :D

  3. The date for a Leo is: 7/23 - 8/22

    July 23 - August 22

    Hope this helps!!

    it's correct i looked it up on Yahoo horoscope.
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