
What day is Drayton Manor park likely to be less busy?

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We have plans to visit Drayton Manor with our 2 yr old over a long weekend this weekend, but can anyone give me an educated guess as to whether Sunday or Monday is likely to be less busy. With a small boy in tow we don't want to be queueing endlessly.





  1. During the holidays every day will be busy, but you might have better luck on a Monday as people will be working

  2. queues will be as bad both days.. i had the theory that monday would be better coz adults are more likely to be working but that wasnt the case. queques werent as bad as i feared though for the childrens rides. thomas the tank land... we queued for about 30 mins to ride on thomas, but it was when doors 1st opened and its the 1st ride you hit. after that childrens rides were about a 10 minute queue, time went quick though as your distracting them with all whats going on around. adult rides queues longer about 20-30 minutes per ride. have fun. we had a great day.

  3. hmm i went on a monday last week

    queues weren't big at all

    longest wait was about 15 minutes

    but seeing as your with a young child, the queues may not busy in the childrens area atall

    as for the big rides, maelstrom and stormforce 10 and sometimes g-force are the only ones i see to get busy  

  4. Try when it's raining LOL

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