
What day is alemannic carnival is celebrated in germany?

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and how they celebrate it




  1. hi,

    I'm also looked last week for information about carnivals and festivals, and I found lot of info at the site named carnifest online.

    In my opinion, the Alemannic carnival celebrated in the same way in all German  language country's and this carnival named "Fasnacht"  . For example you can learn how it celebrated in Basel, Switzerland.  

    If you looking for carnivals in Germany, try this link:

    Enjoy you stay in Germany.

  2. Allemanic carnival is at the same time as all other carnivals (except for Basel, they celebrate it one week later).

    It starts officially 11.11. at 11.11h and ends at stroke midnight of Fat Tuesday before Ashes Wednesday.

    High time is the last 2-3 weeks before Ashes Wednesdays, with most of the processions taking part the last few days.

    Alemannic carnival is celebrated in the Southwest of Germany, mainly close to the border to Switzerland. What makes it different from other Carnivals (Fastnacht, Fasching, Karneval) are the costumes: people use old-fashioned wooden masks showing witches and animals.

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