
What day of the week was april 18, 1966?

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What day of the week was april 18, 1966?




  1. Monday.

  2. It was a Monday.

  3. That was a Monday.

    I am in San Francisco where there is usually a celebration or commemoration of the great earthquake that happened on April 18 in 1906 (60 years to the day of your date of April 18, 1966).   April 18 is often remembered when recalling the poem by Longfellow:

    Listen my children and you shall hear

    Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,

    On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;

    Hardly a man is now alive

    Who remembers that famous day and year.

  4. Monday

  5. Monday, 18th April, 1966.

  6. It was a Monday

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