
What day was the baby born?

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If a baby's head came out at 11:59p.m. but the body didn't come out until 12:01a.m., what day was the baby born on?




  1. 12:01.  The entire baby came into the world at 12:01.  Thats the way I see it, anyway.  Goodness, I sure hope that doesnt happen to me.  That would make me nuts.  Then again, I could celebrate my baby's birthday for two days.  =)

  2. I would say the doctors would consider the child born when it's whole body is out.

  3. 12:01.  Thats what id say!

  4. I'd say the 12:01 date.  But isn't that a long time between head and body?

  5. two mins to push out a baby- doesnt happen. but the nurses dont check time and date until the baby is fully born. no one is going to look at their watch and say its 1159, if you dont push this **** out quick its bday will be tomorrow.  

  6. I don't know if this is a question for schooling or what? But I see this question on here at least once every couple of weeks. Its when the full body is out.

  7. When the whole body was out is the time of birth

  8. Time of birth is when the WHOLE baby is out, body and all.  So the time of birth for this baby would be 12:01 am.

  9. The doctor will decide. I would say it would be when the baby was all the way out.

  10. I think that the baby is considered to be born when it takes its first breath.

  11. If part of the baby is still inside, it's not born yet. It's born when it's fully out. So, the answer would be the 12:01 AM time.  

  12. 12:01. its whenever the whole body is born.

  13. When it's completely out.  I don't know what baby hangs its head out for 2 minutes, though.  That would be REALLY painful for mom!

  14. I would think once the entire body is out and the umbilical cord is cut, that is the office time.  Go off of what the Birth Certificate says.

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