
What day would be the best day to go to the Perth Royal show 2008.?

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i'm a single mother and i really would like to take my little boy who is 4 to the show this year but i don't know when to go i heard different things from different people. People keep telling me the first, middle and last day are always the busy days. so please help me i don't mind crowds but i don't want to be a bad mother and make my child wait ages to go or buy something thanks for all your input.




  1. Hi, i've been there a few times, DO NOT go on the last few days, as most likely, alot of the 'good' stuff will be gone.

    It's actually quite suprising that on the opening days, there aren't as much people as you would expect.

    Depending on what your son is into, is when you would go.

    If he's in it for the showbags, and the 'high quality' toys, which usually aren't that high quality, then definetely the first few days.

    If he's in it for the rides, then the last few day are advisable.

    Have fun, im not sure if ill be going this year....

  2. the monday is usually a public holiday.

    every day is bussy, except if the weather is bad.

    just go and have fun, the crowds seem to add to the fun.


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