
What days during the month are u most fertile? least?

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this is my 3rd time askin this question. Most people have just been saying "when ur ovulating". ok I dont know that either lol i jus wanna know the days in connection with the date my period starts (which was today) so for example "You are most fertile 10 days before or after ur period" thats what im looking for




  1. From what I have been told by and heard through the years is you are most fertile 14 days AFTER your last period. If you can handle it you could try to start like from day 10 to day 16 (six nights of s*x) but it worked for me!!! Good luck hun!

  2. The reason you keep getting those answers is because there is not one set time that every woman ovulates.  The average is 10-14 days after the start of your period, but it can be as early as 6-7 days after or more than 14 days after.  You are least fertile in the week leading up to the start of your next period as a general guideline.  Let's put it this way-if you are TTC, emphasize the beginning of the month (the first two weeks after your period starts) and don't try so hard at the end.

  3. You are most fertile 8 - 14 days After your period finishes. you are least likely to fall pregnant in the 2 weeks that is:-  3 Days Before, During and 3 - 4 Days After your period. This is of course not exact and you can conceive at any time. Please remember that sperm can stay alive up to 5 Days after you last had s*x, so if you have s*x on Monday and ovulate on Wednesday you can still possibly conceive until Sunday!.

    Your mucus changes in consistency during your cycle and you can pinpoint ovulation if you pay careful attention. the mucus changes from thin clear and watery to thicker, milky and stringy.

  4. Check out

    I found it a great source of information when we were trying to conceive and it gives you all sorts of info.

    Goodluck and fingers crossed for you. Make sure you continue to enjoy s*x and don't make it a chore.

  5. There's no way to tell, all women are different, and no one knows when you ovulate, and your cycle can switch up on you, so there's no way to know for sure at all.

  6. You are most fertile directly in between 2 periods.  So if you have a normal 28 day cycle, it would be day 14.  But please note, that its definitely possible to get pregnant at ANY time, because ovulation is NEVER guaranteed to be on that date.  You can even get pregnant while on your period.  An egg generally is available about 24 hours, and sperm is alive for about 72 hours.  But again, its possible at any time.  There are no guarantees when it comes to s*x, if you are having it, no matter what measures you take to prevent it, its still possible.

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