
What deal was made with Vietnam for MCcains release from captivity.?

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What deal was made with Vietnam for MCcains release from captivity.?




  1. Good Question. This is interesting, you have to decide what's best for you.. Visit - Tell the World What Pisses You Off!

  2. i dontno

  3. I am not sure there was a "deal" it may have been the end of the war or something. But this site is well worth looking at:

  4. he was the son of a general or another extremely high ranking official station in Nam or he was stationed somewhere else

  5. There was no "deal". It was the end of the war and most of the prisoners were released at roughly the same time.  He was offered an earlier release by his captors if he would make unAmerican statements, and he refused.

  6. I just want to quote from cmdrbnd007. Not all POW of the Vietnam War was release at the same time. POW were still being release up to about 5 years after the war was over for the United States.

  7. The deal that McCain could go home early because his father was a Vice Admiral or the like, but McCain said no because it violated the Code of Conduct that says, the first ones in should be the first ones to leave. Because of his loyalty, honor and respect for his fellow POWs, he was released at the end of the war during the prisoner swap.

  8. Paris Peace Accord, Article 8a

    "The return of captured military personnel and foreign civilians of the parties shall be carried out simultaneously with and completed not later than the same day as the troop withdrawal mentioned in Article 5. The parties shall exchange complete lists of the above-mentioned captured military personnel and foreign civilians on the day of the signing of this Agreement."

  9. It was when they were all released.  

  10. The Paris Peace Accords  

  11. The NVA offered him parole when the found out his father was a high muckety-muck Admiral.  John Mccain turned that parole down and stayed in Ho Lao prison for another 3 years.

    He may be a whiney liberal anti-free speech Senator, but that one honorable act almost 40 years ago will earn him my vote.

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