
What deck to make in mtg?

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What is a good deck to make in magic the gathering that will win a lot?




  1. lol at timothy

    but really, in the type 2 metagame right now, if you want something completely unoriginal, but it will still win on a regular basis. go with elves.

    it's not exciting, but they do win.

    otherwise, the best thing i can tell you is that it's something you are going to have to figure out yourself.

    i can guarantee that you are going to enjoy a deck more if it's an original idea that you had, and not some mirror copy of a deck you found online or that someone else is running

    it all really depends on your play style though.

  2. if u want a deck to beatdown your oponents i would go for either red elementals, red goblins or green  beast/elf.

    this days im playing an elemental deck that wins ussually 5-6-7 turn against most creature, or combo decks, when i get agreat hand i can get a 20//2 attacking by turn 3 plus some small creatures arround, (thatys a nova chaser wa fatal frenzy, not original but efective) but if u are interested in many creatures gaining abilities from eachother, slivers, elfs, and goblins maybe even soldiers, over all green is your best bet.

    about the winning a lot, its not really that simple cause luck and skill play a very inportant role in winning, research  exacly how u want to win and theres a lot of cards to chose from, anly invest in those that amuse u the most or u need the most or you just like the most, and learn how to take full advantage of what they do. learn to play the stack, thats all i got good luck

    green its the best beguinner color, cause it can be very powerful but simple

    white follows,

    red is third cause u can kill yourself about as soon as u can kill ur oponent

    black the same but u just may be that good

    blue is for playing the game by yourself and beating ur oponent its just a task that has to be handled eventually.

    hope this helps good luck

    oh and all that a color can do can be done by most others.

  3. Make a Illusions of Grandure + Donate deck.

    with force of wills and capsizes, everyone will love u.

  4. I personally find a red/black -1/-1 counter Shadowmoor deck to be extremely fun.  It doesn't win every game, but is pretty good and a blast to play.  Also, you get a great start at only $10 with the theme deck.  Btw, it's a pretty quick win, as all the creatures contribute to each other by giving/affecting creatures with -1/-1 counters.

  5. go for a mono black rogue deck. I constructed one and played my friends I won 33 games out of 35!! It's extremely fast and each card benefits from each other. Cards like Oona's Blackguard put +1/+1 counters on every rogue that comes into play under your control. Frogtosser Banneret makes all rouge and goblin spells you play cost one less. This deck is amazing. It has huge card advantage and has great aggro strategy.

    Here's a Mono black rogue decklist I came up with:


    22x Swamp

    1x Mutavault


    2x March Flitter

    2x Auntie's Snitch

    2x Stinkdrinker Bandit

    3x Nightshade Stinger

    4x Prickly Boggart

    4x Ghostly Changeling

    4x Frogtosser Banneret

    4x Oona's Blackguard


    1x Bitterblossom

    2x Assassinate

    2x Unholy Strength

    2x Noggin Whack

    2x Grave Peril

    4x Morsel Theft

    4x Violet Pall

    4x Pack’s Disdain

    -hope this helps

  6. Depends on the type of game you want to play... Generally, a quick killing deck will either be black and red or black and blue.  If you want to live longer than anyone else, white and green.  I prefer to play a combo of black and green.  Big creatures, big spells.

  7. Alot of people that are newer to magic like to make tribal decks sortof like the one you were explaining which are good solid decks that are fast and just about all of the creatures help each other out. Personally I would suggest building an elf deck. People enjoy them alot, they are easy to build and with 4 imperious perfects and 4 elvish champions how can you go wrong?! Hope this helps!

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