
What defines Class the most in the way people act?

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What defines Class the most in the way people act?




  1. In my opinion, the way people eat is a great indicator of class or lack there of.

  2. Class shows a certain high level of grace and dignity.  It has to do primarily with the way you treat others.  A classy person doesn't stoop to revenge, isn't petty, doesn't elevate themselves above others, and doesn't gossip.  Most importantly, all of this is done without drawing attention to the fact that they're doing it.  You can go through a tough situation with quiet dignity and grace.  

    My mom was just such a person.  A very classy lady.

  3. Respect --- to the people up AND to the people down.

  4. Their expectations of others.  I think lower classes will be more self-reliant.  They don't have things handed to them on silver platters - they have to go get them.

    I know a "higher-class" girl who got a job as a secretary and basically threw a hissy fit when she was asked to make coffee.

    She's also the type of girl who, if she needs something, will express her need out loud, hoping that someone else will take care of it for her.  Needless to say, she had servants growing up.

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