
What definite evidence that supports horoscopes are true?

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I believe in the possibility that the birth of a child, at a certain time of the year, could affect their personality, testosterone levels,.. and so on. But has there ever been a valid experiment which provides definite proof of these theories? Or are you people simply blindly following these vague ideas because your horoscopes have been "accurate" so far?

Have you ever wondered why horoscopes are so vague? For example (here is my horoscope for the day, I am a Libra)

"Trust that you have all the facts that you need today, dear Libra. Emotionally, you should be feeling quite good, and you should use this inner self-confidence to make great strides in whatever you wish to accomplish Have fun letting your mind drift into a fanciful world where it can explore its imaginative proclivities. Feel free to use your strong hold on facts as a base to take off into a highly creative and intuitive realm."


Now it said that I am very emotionally sound, which is stupidly far-off. I had severe anxiety today, I was depressed, and just like any other day I felt like crying. No, my emotions weren't more balanced than they would be on any other day in fact I would say that they were more intense.

On the other part it said that I was going to explore the creative and intuitive realm. Well that's great but that's what almost every other horoscope says, and i usually always explore the 'creative and intuitive realm' so this is nothing new.

You should also take note on the "should" in this sentence: "you "should" be feeling quite good". Their trying to stay as vague as possible and their trying to stray away from definite events.

So can someone tell me why they believe in their horoscopes? Personal experiences aren't really valid facts, but go for it. If you usually read your horoscope in the morning you might end up following it just because you read it in the morning or just because they are so d**n vague.

P.S I noticed that parts of all the horoscopes applied to me. I could easily take one random sign and read it and I'd be confident that most of what it says will apply to me. For example some horoscopes said that I was going to be sad to day, which I was, others said that I was going to be happy to day, which i was. It's complete b.s.




  1. Horoscopes are fake!

  2. yeah i don't really believe in it completely either and as far as i know there has never been any proof,

    it was something an ancient group of astrologists thought of hundreds of years ago and whether or not it was valid back then i certainly couldn't tell you,

    however, did you know that even if those types of things were true the planet earth has changed it's position since then in relation to the sun, and in such in relation to the stars, so it actually is fact that most people who are following their zodiac signs should be following different ones, because the postition of whatever star sign over them when they were born is different then the one the astrologists expected it to be hundreds of years ago!!

  3. there is more to your horoscope than just your SUN sign.  have you ever ran a BIRTH CHART?  go to and obtain it and see what you think.  you have what is called a rising or ascendant sign that influences your feelings each day as well as our moon sign, venus, mercury, etc.  astrology gets a little complex.  before you write it off do some more research.  you may change your opinion.  when you find out your ascendant, be sure to read that horoscope for the day as well..  sometimes it's more relevant to what's going on.  

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