
What degree do I need to become a high school piano teacher?

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Hi everyone.

I'm thinking of teaching high school piano classes, but I'm totally confused as to which degree is required. Bachelor's in music/music education? Bachelor's in piano performance? Or something higher, like a Master's or MFA?

Any responses will be greatly appreciated because this is driving me crazy.

Thank you!!




  1. depending upon what state you are in, the degree varies. in texas, you must have a degree in music and then do 2 more years in education. some would call this a masters, but not in texas. you simply have a six year degree in education.

  2. 1. You'd need a teaching degree. That would probably best be obtained through a bachelor's degree program.

    2. You'd probably also want a degree in music. You can get both through the same program at some colleges. (I'd say music education degree would be your best choice.)

    3. A master's degree would give you a boost finding a job and would also give you an instant raise in pay. I'd recommend getting a master's in piano performance.

    Cool career choice!!

  3. in exam terms i m pretty sure you need to pass grade 5 till u are eligible to teach people

  4. no degree needed, as long as you know how to play "mary had a little lamb" and "little brown jugs" and "100 bottles of beer" your fine

  5. Schools don't hire piano teachers specifically. You have to register yourself as a private teacher and then advertise for students. You don't need a degree to teach piano. It sounds like you want to be a school teacher which means you will be doing a bachelor of music/education, this would make you a music teacher.

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