
What demographic is most needed in surveys?

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I want to sign up on those survey sites that pay you 3-5 bucks per survey. The only problem is that I'm sure my demographic, 20 year old male, is already in abundance. Would lying about my demographic be a good way to get more surveys sent to me? And what demographic would get me the most surveys if I was going to sign up for some of these sites?




  1. please visit for more details

  2. I wouldn't lie.  What if they fact-check your background in any way?  

    However, if you were going to pick a demographic, keep this in mind: a good majority of advertisers want to reach those who have the most expendable income. This would be the 18 to 24 age bracket.  Women tend to purchase more in this age range.  So a survey site would theoretically prefer a woman in that age category.  

    When it comes to the average shopper, that would be the 25-64 age range, and in this bracket, statistically speaking, women, whether or not they are the ultimate buyer, they are the ones who rule the family pocketbook.  So a survey site would theoretically prefer a woman in that age category.  

    After 64, the demographic begins to be on more of a fixed income, therefore less influenced by advertising, and less inclined to purchase anything unless it's a necessity.  

    In general, the younger the age, the more likely you are to spend and therefore the more susceptable you are to marketing.

    Hope this helps!

  3. You should watch my video tutorials. It will teach you how to qualify for surveys.

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