
What denomination are most Palestinian Christians?

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Are they Syrian Orthodox or what are some other denominations,typically? Also,are the Armenian Orthodox in Jerusalem considered Palestinians? Muslims Palestinians,I would particularly interested to know your views on this and on Christian Arabs generally; we get a lot of propaganda in the U.S.,what is the actual Muslim attitude to Christians?




  1. Wow, Christo Jameel did a good job, basically Muslims treat everyone fairly and Christians and Jews even more so.  The belief of more than one God in Christianity goes against the belief of Abraham which is really all three of our religions.

  2. this may interest you.

    the palestinian towns beit-lehem, beit gala, sur-bher, up to '48, were inhibited mainly by christian arabs. under the Jordanian regime the Jordanians made effort to invert majority and actually brought to muslim majority. then they built a large mosque and high minaret just opposite to the nativity church in beit-lehem (actually there are three churches there- the central old part' where they show the place  of birth, us greek orthodox, on the south the armenian monastery and on the other side a newer catholic church). now, on the minaret there are loudspeakers connected to amplification system; whenever the church bells are ringing, they set on these loudspeakers a very loud muslim call "la alla yila alla... etc."

  3. Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholics but there are 13 Palestinian Christian denominations.

  4. I have family in the Greek Orthodox church and also the Anglican church.

    I'm not involved with any of it since I'm an atheist.

  5. Syrian Orthodox, Lebanese Catholic, those are the two main Christian Groups in the Levant today.  I use to be a Syrian Christian in America, and people use to be racist toward me all the time calling me a Muslim and a terrorists and I knew it was not right to just say i am Christian its the Muslims fault not ours.  So I decided to teach myself the faith so when anyone would be racist I could adequately defend all Arabs.  When learning the faith I found myself find much more then I expect from Islam and myself could not ignore the truth and converted.  In the Islamic faith they hold Christians as brothers, fellow children of the book.  In the Al-Fatiha (the opening prayer) we say a small segment that reminds us not to deserve Allah's anger like the Jews or stray from the true meaning of Islam like the Christians did.  Muslims just find it hard to understand why the first and most important rule of our religions is broken.  There is only one God, when a God has a son that means there are two Gods.  Christians pray and say in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost.  Muslims respect Christians as fellow Muslims unless you are a racist America (which I know you are not).  A Muslims is anyone that worships Allah, We consider everyone that follow God including Animals to be Muslims or Submitters to Allah.  Before the creation of Israel, Muslims, Christians and Jews all got along.  Occasionally there is a little distrust because of Christians and Jews teaming up against Muslims in both the Crusades and their support of Israel.

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