
What deodorant works best?

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I have a sweating problem.. I tend to sweat a LOT for a girl. I tried Secret, Suave, and Mitchum, but none of them seem to work. The last deodorant I bought was Secret Clinical Strength because of all the good reviews, but I start to sweat like I have no deodorant on, after 30 minutes to an hour in the sun. It goes through my shirts (noticeable) and is really embarrassing T_T.. what deodorant would you recommend and what deodorant works the best?




  1. i think Certain Dri works really well but it starts to irritate my skin after a while and i can't stop itching but it probably feels differently on everyone.

  2. try certain dri

    it's this anti perspirant that closes up your sweat glands

  3. wow and i thought i was the only one! it is soo embarrassing i know! i sweat more than the average girl kind of gross but i use degree shower clean. or you can pick what smell you want but i personally like the shower clean because it smells the absolute best! ( in my opinion) and i never ever get stains anymore on my shirts.!

    and its affordable.

  4. i have the same problem and i use the certain dri u can use it in the morning or at night i use the one at night and i seen a big difference i really like it and it helped me alot

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