
What departments are affected by Arnold's executive order to lower state employees wages?

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I didnt intend for this question to become a political debate, just a factual one. Ask a simple question and the loonies come out trying to scare with out of the blue communist references.




  1. insane 7 is worried about loonies answering a question he could easily search and get for himself...The wages and jobs were cut as a necessity to become fiscally responsible...would like to see some of that in the federal government...The departments are part time workers and salaried workers making more than can be justified. Hooray to smaller government!

  2. Like what, Ashes?  Raise taxes?  Do you think the purpose of government is to provide employment for people?  That concept didn't work so well in the former Eastern Bloc.

    I applaud Arnold on this one.  It's about some some of our politicians had the backbone to do the right thing rather than the politically correct or politically expedient thing.  I also don't live in California, but do managed to have a little broader view than most.

    The workers whose salaries were cut have freewill to take jobs elsewhere if they are so inclined.  If they were truly worth what they were making, then those opportunities will be there for them.

  3. I don't know, but I have to comment. I don't live or work anywhere near California, but I saw this on the news about Ahhhnold wanting to lower the state employee's wages due to a laundry list of reasons... I think that is absurd! Seriously....government workers are typically the lowest paid and he wants to cut them even more! You people should get together and do something!  

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