
What detergent does not contain alcohol?

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I am washing a swimsuit and handwashing isn't doing it so I need to put it in the washer. However alcohol will break down the lycra in the suit and I was told that most detergents contain alcohol. Unforunately, all the ingredients are not listed on the detergents at the store. Does anyone know of a detergent that is safe for swimsuits, or doesn't contain alcohol?





  1. I have washed my bathing suits hundreds of times with regular bleach and never had a problem at all. But if your worried than try one of the fragrance free detergents for sensitive skin. They have less chemicals in them or the detergent for baby clothing.

  2. I think the Chlorine in the pool water will break down the suit worse than anything in the detergent. Alcohol only exists in a liquid state. It can't be made into a solid. Use powdered detergent and you should have no problem.

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