
What determines if a storm is a hurricane or a typhoon?

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  1. A storm is a hurricane when it is in western pacific atlantic and carribean. It is a Typhoon if it is in Easter pacific, Indian ocean and around Japan.

  2. "typhoon" and "hurricane" are two different words for the same thing, some locations used one, and other locations use the other.

  3. The place where they form and the minimum velocity.

  4. Hurricane, Cyclon, Tiphon, Baguio, are exactly the same phenomenum, the name changes in diferent countries

  5. Hurricanes and Typhoons are cyclones, the difference being location. Hurricanes originate in the equatorial regions of the Atlantic Ocean or Caribbean Sea while Typhoons occur the western Pacific or Indian oceans. This distinction was taught in the 60's but now seems to have gotten confused because even meteorologists have been using the terms erroneously.

  6. wind and weather conditions

  7. Well, we sure don't get many typhoons around here (Western Hemisphere or Atlantic) - that's for d**n sure!

    Don't typhoons belong to the Eastern (or Pacific) side of the world, so to speak?

  8. Usually storms in the Pacific are Typhoons and storms in the Atlantic regions are Hurricanes.

  9. how fast the wind is


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