
What determines the rotational speed at which a centrifugal clutch starts to engage?

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What determines the rotational speed at which a centrifugal clutch starts to engage?




  1. two things: the mass of the flyouts and the spring constant of the restraining springs.

    Heavier flyout weights --> higher engagement RPM.

    Stiffer springs --> higher engagement RPM.

  2. w^2/r -- The centripetal acceleration.

    At a particular rotation speed, weights attached to the clutch plate will slide out as a result of the acceleration.  These weights (if I remember correctly) are attached to springs.  So in designing a clutch, you can also design the speed at which it will start to engage.

  3. The internal shoes are usually spring-loaded.

    Centrifugal force has to overcome the tension.

    Then friction on the outer shell has to overcome inertia.

    That in turn, has to exceed the load, which is attached.

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