
What determines the sexual orientation?

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I had an erection for a girl. And another girl. And another girl. I never felt erections for men. But - when I was smaller, I fantasized about men. Now I fantasize about women. But, yet, there are still small consequences in my behaviour. Is there something left in my sub-conscious? How can I erase that? Help me with some advice for self suggestion etc.




  1. No one knows what causes it. If anyone says they do, they are lying.

    There is no evidence that homosexuality is genetic, but there is also no evidence that heterosexuality is genetic. Whatever the cause, both homosexuality and heterosexuality seem to be normal variations of human sexuality.

    Many will argue and consider sexual orientation a "condition" or "defect". But homosexuals have the same need for commitment like anyone else does. In fact, homosexuals can form long term and commited relations like heterosexuals can. Since it is in human nature to love and be loved, the love homosexual couples feel for each other is a natural love, since studies have shown that both types of love (homosexual and heterosexual) appear to be indifferent.

    Homosexuality is a normal and natural phenomenon for a minority of people. It is unchosen, unchangeable, as natural as heterosexuality, and is not a sickness, condition, illness.

    The following organizations have each conducted their own studies and came to this conclusion:

    American Psychiatric Association

    American Psychological Association

    American Counseling Association

    American Bar Association

    American Academy of Pediatrics

    American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

    American Psychoanalytic Association

    American Anthropoligical Association

    American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

    American Medical Association

    Child Welfare League of America

    American Academy of Family Physicians

    North American Council on Adoptable Children

    American School Counselor Association

    National Association of School Psychologists

    I don't know what sort of religious beliefs you have, but it seems that no one in unbiased science believes that homosexuality is wrong. Unfortunately, there are organizations such as NARTH, the Family Research Council, and others that claim to be scientific, but they are found to have a bias (usually religious) against homosexuality.

    A big no-no in science is to conduct a study with the intent of finding a certain conclusion. NARTH and these other organizations do studies to prove that homosexuality is wrong, while the above organizations do the studies not expecting any result, but come to the result they do.

    Opponents of homosexuality do not know what they are talking about and they ARE losing!

  2. You erase the sub conscious by bringing it to the surface. Talk to your dog.

  3. dude your probably straight. You can not choose your orientation. It is basically what ever you fantasize about when you m********e. If its guys then you are g*y or bi . If its girls, then your straight. But what ever you are its normal and you can't change it.

  4. you like what you like. you could have just been curious about how other men looked or something like that. if your still curious kiss a guy and see if you like it. i'm a girl and thought about girls and flirted with girls but i'd never hook up with one. it could be the same for you. like i said you like what you like.

  5. You are not homosexual. When you were young you were curious, like me. I am 13 and I'm more attracted to women than men, but one thing that decides my sexual orientation is who I love.

    If you don't have the ability to love men, then you are not homosexual. Who you jack off to does not decide that; it only means you're curious and horny.

  6. You could be bisexual. Try dating some boys, if you don't like that, try dating some girls then make up your mind. Boys or girls

  7. Great honest question. I wish I had the answer.  I recall my best friend born male being "different" when we were only 4 years old.  Of course I love him like a brother and did not judge him and at the age of 4 I knew nothing of sexuality.  Strange thing is I just knew.  As we grew up his mom spent years of trying to "fix" him but I knew he wasn't broken.  Today he is a college educated professional and very "happy"    

  8. sexual orientation is related to which s*x you are attracted to. i do believe that the problem comes not in your fluid sexual orientation but in the society's obsession in labeling genders. normative and conservative people tend to cast stigma on people whose genders don't fall under the labels the members of the society agree upon. that's so limiting, simplistic, and stupefying. humanity and sexuality should not be restricted within man-made categories. explore and enjoy yourself as long as you don't disturb others' lives.

  9. Just look in Play Boy mag. it will help big time:)

  10. You're a closet heterosexual.

  11. When you are young, you are curious and want to explore. Everyone explores things when they are young. Curiosity is a strong urge that cannot be ignored! Even if it kills the cat!

  12. you are who you are.

    don't fight that.

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