
What did Cardinal Henry Newman Mean when he said:?

by Guest45174  |  earlier

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To be deep in history is to cease being protestant,

Wasnt he a protestant who set out to prove the Catholic Church was in error and to his suprise he ended up converting.

What about David Currie who wrote Born Fundementalist Born Again Catholic, he did the same things.

I know people leave the catholic church but they tend to do that for emotive reasons (ie the evangelical church has coffee and donuts, gives me a hug and says its ok to be divorced)

Dont people become Catholic because they are overpowered by the logic and grace of christs church.




  1. Now if we could just get the RCs to reform themselves and stop being so full of themselves.

    The RCs have this idea of perfect discernment in the Vatican, and it's the root of all the dissension. If they could actually consider that they might be mistaken (infallibility is an extremely new doctrine, dating back to the late 1800s).

    The RC idea of authority is what drives so much of the schisms. They are at fault. If they would admit that they might have made a mistake, they could heal much of the rifts, but they'll never do that, and it's all on their heads. The RC apparatchiks have an awful lot to answer for.

  2. Not all of them, but it makes sense. The Cardinal pretty much says it all, yet I am consistently amazed at the Protestants on here who refuse to believe the truth about Catholics, even when they can find it independently in non-biased materials or when we've told them over and over.

  3. Amen...

    And don't forget Scott Hahn, one of the most rabid anti-Catholics in his day, who also was over-whelmed by the truth...

  4. I'd like to think so.

    But I'd say most people leave the Catholic Church because they were never really involved in it.  Many say they're Catholic but their shadows never touch a church door.

    One reason I'm here (and maybe you, too) is to set the record straight for those who have it wrong.  And there are plenty out there.

  5. He meant that to know our true history was to know that the church is a lie. Basically the bible is nothing but stolen and corrupted pagan stories. Nothing in Christianity is original, and to know the truth is to be a free and happy person.  

  6. If anything, the more one studies Christian history the more one would be likely to lean towards the Orthodox church. My own researches would point towards either the  Armenian Apostolic Church or the Georgian Orthodox Church as being the most authentic among the Orthodox communions.  One would also want to look into the Oriental churches (Nestorian, Syrian, etc.)

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