
What did Einstein say about 2012, I heard that he had studied the year?

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but what were his conclusions, its not something we usually hear about.




  1. "I had heard" is the start of ignorant myth spreading.

    All of the 2012 catastrophe nonsense is MADE UP. Please post your *evidence* of your claim. No evidence ? Nothing to refute.

    Conspiracywhackjob websites are NOT evidence. HTH.

  2. Nothing.  You were probably reading apocrypha.  Sorry to disappoint.


    \\  Golgothor.


  3. <<its not something we usually hear about.>>

    Lots of things that never actually happened don't get heard about.  One of the appealing features about reaching 2013 will be the lack of people asking questions about 2012.  Unfortunately, they'll latch onto some other innocent year instead.

    I wonder why people have stopped asking about the imminent end of the world in the year 2000.  It was reliably prophesized, apparently.

  4. I usually try not to get involved with negative responses to other answers, partly out of respect and partly because I don't want the vindictive reporting which it can trigger but this just p*sses me off!

    To respond with veiled accusations of "ignorant myth spreading" and imply that the asker is "not smart", is not helpful to furthering education. It's just plain "oneupmanship", and quite religiously exclusive of opposing viewpoints.

    For anyone to respond definitively either way on this question they would have to also claim to have read everything Einstein wrote and be privy to everything he ever thought or said. I haven't but I do know that he was loath to admit that the universe was not "closed and fixed" as he thought it was. "Smart" as he was, without Hubbles evidence, he might have died with that "ignorant myth" as part of his understanding.

    I will surely look into this possibility that he was interested in the theories of a brilliant ancient civilization because I believe he was not only "smart" but openminded enough to be interested in ideas other than his own. That does not mean that I support the idea, only that I'm interested in knowing more about the thoughts of this great man and even learning about my own misunderstandings in my search for "enlightenment".

    But I will not claim to have knowledge that I don't have or insult someone for asking an honest question.

    So sorry asker.

  5. 2012 why not tomorrow then

    100 people about 2012 a day

  6. its a rather round-about reference at best.

    you see, Einstein was attributed to a quote about bees... something like 'when the bees disappear, the world will only survive 4 years...' and here the bees ARE in trouble so 2008 + 4= 2012... WE ALL GONNA DIE!

    unfortunately, that quote only goes back as far as 1990 and Al died in 1955.

    i think we are safe... though someone oughta do something about the bees, no?

  7. The same nonsence about 2000!

    dont freak out.....nonsence their are very ignorant people who like to make others squrim..

  8. Einstein said nothing about 2012.

    Einstein did say something about bees, but it was not the sentence that was attributed to him many years after his death.

    Einstein did not study the year 2012.  He had no reason to.

    Einstein did say that God does not play dice (he was against the probabilistic approach of the quantum theory);  as it turns out, not only does God play dice, sometimes he throws them where we can't see them (an answer published after the quantum theory got well established).

    Isaac Newton (another great scientist) did study the Bible to find any reference to the end of the world.  His conclusion was that the end of the world could not occur before the year 2060.  He did not say that it would happen in 2060, only that it could not be before.  No, I do not know what references he found in the Bible.

  9. 1. Our solar system will be in allignment with the dark rift- the sumit of gravitational force eminating from the super-massive black hole at the center of our galaxy.

    2. Another oddity is that the Earth will complete a wobble, meaning that it's axis will shift.

    3. It is the end of the Maya Long Count calander. December 21, 2012: the winter solstice. Where, depending on interpretation, we face the end of the world or a rebirth from the ashes of destruction.

    4.  Supposedly the planet Nibiru will be passing close to Earth, which it only does once every 26,000 years.  It has an elongated eliptical orbit (like a big skinny oval).  If it does the effects of it's proximity will be catastrophic.

    Now rather or not any of these, or all, are true, I know not.  There are other religions, philosophies, and schools of thought that also put significance on that date. I don't know for sure what is going to happen but I can promise you this: The closer we get to 2012, the more you are going to hear about ALL the fact and fiction. It would be prudent to prepare for the worst.

  10. einstein didn't say anything about 2012. he was smart.

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