
What did Hitler think of Britain?

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What did Hitler think of Britain?




  1. Hitler liked the British and the Royal family believing that Britain and Germany had alot in common. Which of course they did considering  Kiaser Willhem and King George where first cousins.

    What Hitler disliked was (in his own opinion) British hypocracy over his plans to build an empire in the east for Germany, when the British had their empire all over the world. Hitler was truely shocked when Britain declared war over Poland.

    Even by the summer of 1940 when Britain was technically defeated and alone, Hitler offered terms for peace as his fight was always against the Bolshiveks in Russia. In 1941 Rudolph Hess (Hitler's deputy) flew to Scotland to begin peace talks with the British. Considering this, it is possible to conclude that maybe Hitler had a "soft" spot for the British. But who could ever say for sure what was going on in that mind?  

  2. hitler liked britian and wanted to be allies with them. he was also a bit obsessed with the royal family and liked to learn about the english.  

  3. Hitler thought highly of Britain and its Empire and was a great fan of watching movies.  One of his favourite films "The Bengal Lancers" illustrates his affection for the British military in its Imperial role.  

  4. He liked it. He had a house in Devon, and wanted us as allies.

  5. He actually liked British culture, but, after the Great War, and because we are not German, he didn't like Britain very much.

  6. In his private writings, in which he planned the 'World Order' after his victory, Hitler wrote that the British Empire would have to continue in existence exactly as it was. This was, apparently, for the good of the world - Hitler's world, of course.

  7. Hitler was inspired by the achievements of the Bristish and their british Empire,he held them in high esteem as the Romans whom can conquered the world for 500 years,he wanted to forge a highly successful empire for the Germans with which were slow in colonialism as Germany was unified as a nation until the late 19th century. Hitler also knew the history of the people from Britain and knew they were desendents from the germanic tribes 1000 years before -Jutes,saxons,Franks, in an essence he saw the British as ancient German people

  8. He liked them until they refused to ally with him, then he bombed it continually for the duration of the war.

  9. Hitler was in awe of Britain. He knew that as a nation he had a fight on his hands, but had he concentrated on Russia and defeated them, which was not sure, he would have won the war. Thank you Russia and Thank You Great Britain. P.S. the yanks did good too (with great affection). Gary.

  10. Fred87 is right

  11. I want it.

  12. He admired the British Empire and hoped that Britain would support his plans to occupy the Soviet Union

  13. He thought they should be his allies, as they were in his mind Aryan as well.  I suppose that he was thinking of the Saxon and Norman invasions of the post Roman and middle ages times.  

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